Bus petition win!

18 May 2017

We are delighted to hear from the Orakei Local Board at our meeting last week that Richard Roxburgh’s bus petition has been successful.

What this means is that next year, the New Bus Network will include a new service from Meadowbank to the waterfront at Mission Bay via Kohi Road, right past the front gates of St Thomas’s School and Selwyn College.

Here is a news article in the East and Bays Courier today: http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/east-bays-courier/92575448/residents-convince-auckland-transport-to-adjust-school-bus-services. (Note: The article mentions school bus services, but this is a regular bus that everyone can use…and hopefully include evening services so we can get to the waterfront bars and cafes without having to worry about finding a car park or who’s driving home.)

We’re very grateful to the Orakei Local Board for their behind the scenes advocacy on our behalf to Auckland Council’s transport committee, and to Auckland Transport for showing flexibility even after the official consultation period had ended to adapt their plans to provide better connectivity for our community.

We’re still keen to hear more about a whether a connection can be made with Meadowbank Train Station, and we remain concerned about the loss of service along Norman Lesser Drive and Panapa Drive.

But for now: a huge thank you to all 258 of you who signed the petition, and to everyone who made individual submissions to Auckland Transport during the consultation process. Give yourselves a pat on the back! It’s great to see that our collective efforts can bring results.