
Timeline of events

See how we’ve grown over the years!


October Call for like-minded people to start a residents association
(article in the East & Bays Courier)
October Held our first meeting


Febuary Became an incorporated society
June Launch event with bubbles and nibbles, attended by Mayor Len Brown
October Ruth Mackintosh took over Chairperson position
November We held a ‘Safer Communities’ information evening with our Community Constable and Neighbourhood Support.


May We held a ‘Disaster Preparedness’ information evening with Civil Defence
June Inaugural AGM with speaker Mayor Len Brown
August ‘Safety at Home’ information evening with experts from NZ Fire Service and St John Ambulance (see our news article ‘Top Tips from our ‘Safety at Home’ event‘)
August Our website is launched
December We sponsored a Community Christmas Celebration event at St Chads (see our news article (Fun at St Chads Christmas Celebration)


January Puroto, Purewa and Manapau Residents Group (PPMRG) becomes part of our association as a special subcommittee
  • Transport Subcommittee formed to deal with increasing workload around local transport issues
  • Meeting about Long-term Plan and Eastern Path held in conjunction with Orakei Local Board and Auckland Transport. See our news article Locals get lowdown on Long-term Plan (and Eastern Path)
March St Johns College Open Day – an event held in conjunction with St Johns Theological College (see our news article Open Day at St Johns College)
July Committee votes to dissolve formal relationship with Purewa, Puroto and Manapau Residents Group (PPMRG) but agrees we will still support their endeavours for more open notification around Special Housing Areas (SHAs) in Meadowbank
September We held a clean-up day in the Pourewa Valley as part of ‘Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week’ with the newly-formed Friends of Pourewa Valley (see our news article Clean-Up Day in the Pourewa Valley)
October We held an event showcasing the history of Waiatarua Reserve (in conjunction with the Waiatarua Reserve Protection Society) as part of Auckland Heritage Festival (see our news article Heritage Festival comes to Waiatarua Reserve)
November We attend a ‘charity hackathon’ run by Impact NPO to set up an online membership database (see our news article MBSJRA Participates in ImpactNPO’s Latest Charity Hackathon)


March We held an Open Day in conjunction with Purewa Cemetery to show off this beautiful location (see our news article Purewa Cemetery Open Day)
  • ‘Meet the Mayoral Candidates’ AGM 2016: Five candidates running for Auckland Mayor in 2016 join a panel discussion at our AGM, attended by a record 140 people
  • Ruth Mackintosh retires as Chairperson, and Tim Duguid is elected as new Chair
  • Ruth wins an Orakei Community Award for her work in setting up and running the Meadowbank & St Johns Residents Association
August Our biggest monthly meeting ever – over 70 attendees listen to the developer of the Special Housing Area planned for Meadowbank Rd behind the BP
  •  ‘Meet the Local Candidates’ event with candidates for Orakei Ward Councillor and Orakei Local Board. See our event article Meet Your Orakei Ward Candidates
  • Our second clean-up day in the Pourewa Valley as part of Keep NZ Beautiful Clean-up Week
October Our new Membership Subcommittee is formed with the view of increasing awareness of our association and getting more members
November ‘Are Meadowbank & St Johns Auckland’s Most Liveable Suburbs?’ campaign at Meadowbank Mall. See our news article Are Meadowbank & St Johns Auckland’s most liveable suburbs?
  • We represent our residents association the official opening of the Eastern Path – Stage 1, which runs along the back of St Johns alongside Felton Mathew Ave, attended by Minister of Transport Simon Bridges and local dignitaries
  • We support the St Chad’s ‘Celebrate!’ Christmas Event by providing a bouncy castle


We held our monthly meeting at the newly-opened St Johns Lounge in Purewa Cemetery to discuss the Purewa Cemetery Trust Board’s plans for the cemetery driveway and Tahapa Reserve East

  • We attended Bike Auckland and Friends of Pourewa Valley’s event to celebrate the opening of the Eastern Path
  • We attended the official opening of the new St Johns Lounge at Purewa Cemetery