The Ōrākei Local Board will soon start to draft their Local Board Plan, which sets the direction of local Council activities in the area for the next three years. As part of their preparation the Board is offering members of all Resident’s Associations in their area opportunities to voice their opinions on what should (and maybe what should not) be in the Plan. Democracy in action!!
The Local Board Engagement Advisor – Ollin Perez Raynaud, is going to attend our February meeting (11/2/20 at 7:30pm), your committee already has a number of issues to raise but please come along to ensure you have your say – as always, NUMBERS COUNT.
This is a key chance for us to tell the Board about our local aspirations, challenges and projects, which will be considered by the Board in their planning. The Board has a very significant budget from Auckland Council and these funds come, to a very large degree from the property rates (a form of taxation) that residents pay.
On the basis of “no taxation without representation” this is our opportunity to ensure Board funds are spent:
- in our suburbs (where a good proportion of the funds come from)
- on projects and areas that are of most concern to residents.
I look forward to seeing as many members as possible at the meeting.
Barry Stewart