Posts Tagged ‘inclusive neighbourhoods’

Making Neighbourhoods More Inclusive in Meadowbank and St Johns

6 August 2019

We are embarking on an ambitious plan to make neighbourhoods in Meadowbank and St Johns more inclusive. We want to encourage people to get to know their neighbours, make better use of our under-utilised public spaces and reduce social isolation, among other lofty aims. This would have huge benefits in natural disasters and other emergency situations, as well as improving the mental health of our suburbs residents.

This year we set up a Community Wellbeing Subcommitte to progress our aims for inclusive neighbourhoods. The Subcommitte Chairperson Ensiyeh Ghavampour has put together a presentation to outline the importance of an inclusive community and what steps we can all take towards making this happen. Click the hyperlink to see the Inclusive Neighbourhoods Presentation and get in touch if you have any thoughts on other initiatives or things you think we could do in this space. Even better get in touch if you’d like to get involved!