Our ideas for Stage 2 Glen Innes – Tamaki Drive Shared Path

21 March 2017

At our monthly meeting on Tuesday March 7, we held a workshop and invited locals to contribute ideas for the next stage of the Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive Shared Path. Construction is due to begin on the path this year.

We looked at four areas:

  1. Commuting
  2. Local Businesses and Facilities
  3. Leisure and Recreation, and
  4. Children and Families (or “All Ages”).

For each of these, we asked ourselves a series of questions about the opportunities the path represents for Meadowbank and St Johns. Specifically:

  • How can I find / access the Path?
  • What would I want to do along the route?
  • How can it get me where I want to go?
  • How can it create other local benefits?
  • How can it free up space on roads for those that need it most?
  • How can it create great days out?

The four charts below list all the ideas that we captured on Post-It notes (along with feedback received on previous posts on Facebook), and how those present at the workshop rated each idea.

What do you think? Do you agree? Please send us an email at .

The next step is for us to take these ideas to Orakei Local Board to secure funding.

Meeting attendees brainstorm ideas for Stage 2 of the Glen Innes – Tamaki Drive Shared Path