UPDATE 2 August: Pedestrian refuge has been approved outside St Johns College. See our news article ‘New pedestrian refuge approved for St Johns Rd’ 4 August, 2016.
UPDATE 29 June: AT advised no work will go ahead at the Truman St intersection on either the bus stop or pedestrian crossing. We are still waiting to hear about 181 St Johns Rd.
Auckland Transport (AT) is seeking feedback on new pedestrian crossing facilities and bus stop relocations on St Johns Rd. Feedback is required on both proposals by 9 June 2016.
1. 181 St Johns Rd
One of the proposals is to install a pedestrian crossing facility and relocate an existing bus stop at 181 St Johns Road (outside the main entrance to St Johns Theological College). In summary, AT are proposing to:
- install new pedestrian refuge islands for improved visibility and to assist pedestrians crossing the road safely.
- reconfigure the existing bus stop which will allow pedestrians to access the crossing point behind the bus and avoid crossing in front of the bus.
For more information, please view:
- Drawings of the proposed crossing and bus stop realignment at 181 St Johns Rd
- Consultation letter from AT about the new pedestrian refuge and change to bus stop
- Feedback form (PDF, you can print and send Freepost)
- Online feedback form at https://at.govt.nz/trafficsafetyconsultations.
2. St Johns Road and Truman Street intersection
The second proposal is to install a pedestrian island crossing facility and relocate an existing bus stop on St Johns Road near its intersection with Truman Street, St Johns.
AT proposes the following:
- Introduce a pedestrian crossing facility outside No. 142 and No. 127 St Johns Road.
- Relocate the existing bus stop from St Johns Road near its intersection with Truman Street, to outside of No. 125 St Johns Road.
More information:
- Drawings of the proposed crossing and bus stop realignment at the St Johns Rd/Truman St intersection
- Online feedback form at https://at.govt.nz/trafficsafetyconsultations.