Unfortunately, Auckland Transport has declined our request to speak at our November meeting.
However they have written a letter in response to several specific safety issues that we raised with them. The issues of concern all focus on Meadowbank Rd.
Read a full copy of the letter (PDF): Letter from Auckland Transport regarding Meadowbank Rd Issues, dated 20 October 2016.
A summary is below.
In the letter, AT says they will investigate the following issues that we raised:
- Excessive speed on Meadowbank Rd: They are considering a Speed Indication Device (SID) facing northbound traffic. It would be located near the Corinth St intersection and will notify drivers if they are exceeding the speed limit.
- Crossing at the left-hand slip lane from Remuera Rd into Meadowbank Rd (outside the BP): AT say they will investigate and any crossing will be subject to funding and resources.
- Width of intersections: AT are considering improvements to intersections at Bonnie Brae and Manapau Rds with Meadowbank Rd.
- Feeder bus to Meadowbank Station: We noted that Meadowbank is the only station with no bus going right up to the station. AT say have decided not to proceed with a feeder bus as it would require the loss of 21 car parks but would look at this again in the future in consultation with Orakei Local Board.
In addition, the letter says that AT have declined to proceed with further investigation or plans for the below issues:
- A crossing facility between Corinth St and Mt Carmel Place
- Excessive speed on Manapau St
- Impacts from intensification (particularly the Special Housing Area at 6-14 Meadowbank Rd): AT say they investigate each development individually and declined to comment on intensification in general.