AGM on Monday 23 July 2018

3 July 2018

We are pleased to confirm our AGM will be held on Monday 23 July from 7pm at St Chads. Our guest speaker for the night will be representatives from Auckland Transport. They will talk about the new bus network rolling out Sunday 8 July.

The talk is pitched primarily as an information-giving session, and any questions that the AT representatives cannot immediately answer will be captured by our Transport Subcommittee and discussed with you further, prior to a more formalised presentation to AT. We are always interested in other broader transport related concerns in our area and this will be a great opportunity to ensure we have them properly identified.

If you have any questions you’d like raised about either the new bus routes, timetables, changes etc or other transport related concerns please email us at .

We will also be electing new committee members at the AGM. You need to be a paid up member to vote or stand for election. If you haven’t yet paid your bargain membership of $10 please join us and have a say on how your residents association is run and what things we focus on.

Please note that for July our AGM will replace the regular monthly meeting usually held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.